Report for multivar_false-unreach-call1_true-termination.c (Counterexample 1)

Generated on 2018-05-19 17:32:55 by CPAchecker 1.7-svn

Matches in value-assignements (V): {{numOfValueMatches}}

Matches in edge-description: {{numOfDescriptionMatches}}

extern void __VERIFIER_error() __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));  
extern unsigned int __VERIFIER_nondet_uint(void);  
void __VERIFIER_assert(int cond) {  
  if (!(cond)) {  
    ERROR: __VERIFIER_error();  
int main(void) {  
  unsigned int x = __VERIFIER_nondet_uint();  
  unsigned int y = x + 1;  
  while (x < 1024) {  
  __VERIFIER_assert(x == y);  
2018-05-19 17:32:54:104	INFO	ResourceLimitChecker.fromConfiguration	Using the following resource limits: CPU-time limit of 900s

2018-05-19 17:32:54:146	INFO	CPAchecker 1.7-svn (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_171) started

2018-05-19 17:32:55:038	WARNING	PredicateCPA:JavaSMT:Mathsat5SolverContext.<init>	MathSAT5 is available for research and evaluation purposes only. It can not be used in a commercial environment, particularly as part of a commercial product, without written permission. MathSAT5 is provided as is, without any warranty. Please write to for additional questions regarding licensing MathSAT5 or obtaining more up-to-date versions.

2018-05-19 17:32:55:106	INFO	PredicateCPA:PredicateCPA.<init>	Using predicate analysis with MathSAT5 version 5.5.0 (59014c8d54e1) (Dec  5 2017 11:43:02, gmp 6.1.0, gcc 4.8.5, 64-bit, reentrant) and JFactory 1.21.

2018-05-19 17:32:55:161	WARNING	ARGCPA:JavaSMT:Mathsat5SolverContext.<init>	MathSAT5 is available for research and evaluation purposes only. It can not be used in a commercial environment, particularly as part of a commercial product, without written permission. MathSAT5 is provided as is, without any warranty. Please write to for additional questions regarding licensing MathSAT5 or obtaining more up-to-date versions.

2018-05-19 17:32:55:166	WARNING	ARGCPA:JavaSMT:Mathsat5SolverContext.<init>	MathSAT5 is available for research and evaluation purposes only. It can not be used in a commercial environment, particularly as part of a commercial product, without written permission. MathSAT5 is provided as is, without any warranty. Please write to for additional questions regarding licensing MathSAT5 or obtaining more up-to-date versions.

2018-05-19 17:32:55:248	INFO	PredicateCPA:PredicateCPARefiner.<init>	Using refinement for predicate analysis with PredicateAbstractionRefinementStrategy strategy.

2018-05-19 17:32:55:258	INFO	CPAchecker.runAlgorithm	Starting analysis ...

2018-05-19 17:32:55:378	INFO	CPAchecker.runAlgorithm	Stopping analysis ...


PredicateCPA statistics
Number of abstractions:            2 (11% of all post computations)
  Times abstraction was reused:    0
  Because of function entry/exit:  0 (0%)
  Because of loop head:            1 (50%)
  Because of join nodes:           0 (0%)
  Because of threshold:            0 (0%)
  Because of target state:         1 (50%)
  Times precision was empty:       2 (100%)
  Times precision was {false}:     0 (0%)
  Times result was cached:         0 (0%)
  Times cartesian abs was used:    0 (0%)
  Times boolean abs was used:      0 (0%)
  Times result was 'false':        0 (0%)
Number of strengthen sat checks:   0
Number of coverage checks:         0
  BDD entailment checks:           0
Number of SMT sat checks:          0
  trivial:                         0
  cached:                          0

Max ABE block size:                       3
Number of predicates discovered:          0

Time for post operator:                  0.060s
  Time for path formula creation:        0.060s
Time for strengthen operator:            0.000s
Time for prec operator:                  0.004s
  Time for abstraction:                  0.001s (Max:     0.001s, Count: 2)
    Solving time:                        0.000s (Max:     0.000s)
    Model enumeration time:              0.000s
    Time for BDD construction:           0.000s (Max:     0.000s)
Time for merge operator:                 0.000s
Time for coverage check:                 0.000s
Total time for SMT solver (w/o itp):     0.000s

Number of path formula cache hits:   10 (29%)

Inside post operator:                  
  Inside path formula creation:        
    Time for path formula computation:     0.060s

Total number of created targets for pointer analysis: 0

Number of BDD nodes:                               202
Size of BDD node table:                            55949
Size of BDD cache:                                 5623
Size of BDD node cleanup queue:                    0.00 (sum: 0, count: 13, min: 0, max: 0)
Time for BDD node cleanup:                             0.000s
Time for BDD garbage collection:                       0.000s (in 0 runs)

PrecisionBootstrap statistics
Init. function predicates:                         0
Init. global predicates:                           0
Init. location predicates:                         0

Invariant Generation statistics

AutomatonAnalysis (SVCOMP) statistics
Number of states:                                  1
Total time for successor computation:                  0.001s
Automaton transfers with branching:                0
Automaton transfer successors:                     1.00 (sum: 18, count: 18, min: 1, max: 1) [1 x 18]

CPA algorithm statistics
Number of iterations:            9
Max size of waitlist:            3
Average size of waitlist:        1
ReversePostorderSortedWaitlist:                    0.00 (sum: 0, count: 6, min: 0, max: 0)
CallstackSortedWaitlist:                           3.00 (sum: 3, count: 1, min: 3, max: 3)
Number of computed successors:   11
Max successors for one state:    2
Number of times merged:          0
Number of times stopped:         0
Number of times breaked:         1

Total time for CPA algorithm:         0.077s (Max:     0.077s)
  Time for choose from waitlist:      0.002s
  Time for precision adjustment:      0.006s
  Time for transfer relation:         0.064s
  Time for stop operator:             0.000s
  Time for adding to reached set:     0.004s

Static Predicate Refiner statistics
Number of predicates found statically:                    0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)

Total time for static refinement:                      0.034s
  Time for path feasibility check:                     0.007s

PredicateCPARefiner statistics
Number of predicate refinements:                   0

Predicate-Abstraction Refiner statistics
  Predicate creation:                                  0.000s
  Precision update:                                    0.000s
  ARG update:                                          0.000s

Length of refined path (in blocks):                0.00 (sum: 0, count: 0, min: 0, max: 0)
Number of affected states:                                0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
Length (states) of path with itp 'true':                  0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
Length (states) of path with itp non-trivial itp:         0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
Length (states) of path with itp 'false':                 0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
Different non-trivial interpolants along paths:           0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
Equal non-trivial interpolants along paths:               0 (count: 0, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
Number of refs with location-based cutoff:                0

CEGAR algorithm statistics
Number of refinements:                1
Number of successful refinements:     0
Number of failed refinements:         0
Max. size of reached set before ref.: 12
Max. size of reached set after ref.:  0
Avg. size of reached set before ref.: 12.00
Avg. size of reached set after ref.:  NaN

Total time for CEGAR algorithm:       0.118s
Time for refinements:                 0.041s
Average time for refinement:          0.041s
Max time for refinement:              0.041s

Code Coverage
  Function coverage:      1.000
  Visited lines:          6
  Total lines:            9
  Line coverage:          0.667
  Visited conditions:     4
  Total conditions:       4
  Condition coverage:     1.000

CPAchecker general statistics
Number of program locations:                       28
Number of CFA edges (per node):                          29 (count: 28, min: 0, max: 2, avg: 1.04)
Number of relevant variables:                      3
Number of functions:                               2
Number of loops (and loop nodes):                         1 (sum: 8, min: 8, max: 8, avg: 8.00)
Size of reached set:             12
  Number of reached locations:   12 (43%)
    Avg states per location:     1
    Max states per location:     1 (at node N1)
  Number of reached functions:   2 (100%)
  Number of partitions:          12
    Avg size of partitions:      1
    Max size of partitions:      1
  Number of target states:       1
  Size of final wait list        3

Time for analysis setup:          1.102s
  Time for loading CPAs:          0.364s
  Time for loading parser:        0.221s
  Time for CFA construction:      0.421s
    Time for parsing file(s):     0.235s
    Time for AST to CFA:          0.078s
    Time for CFA sanity check:    0.006s
    Time for post-processing:     0.070s
    Time for CFA export:          0.503s
      Time for function pointers resolving:            0.003s
        Function calls via function pointers:             0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
        Instrumented function pointer calls:              0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
        Function calls with function pointer arguments:        0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
        Instrumented function pointer arguments:          0 (count: 1, min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0.00)
      Time for var class.:                             0.036s
        Time for collecting variables:                 0.012s
        Time for solving dependencies:                 0.001s
        Time for building hierarchy:                   0.000s
        Time for building classification:              0.022s
        Time for exporting data:                       0.001s
Time for Analysis:                0.118s
CPU time for analysis:            0.330s
Time for analyzing result:        0.000s
Total time for CPAchecker:        1.223s
Total CPU time for CPAchecker:    3.510s
Time for statistics:              0.181s

Time for Garbage Collector:       0.046s (in 3 runs)
Garbage Collector(s) used:    PS MarkSweep, PS Scavenge
Used heap memory:                 61MB (    58 MiB) max;     41MB (    39 MiB) avg;     93MB (    89 MiB) peak
Used non-heap memory:             36MB (    34 MiB) max;     25MB (    23 MiB) avg;     40MB (    38 MiB) peak
Used in PS Old Gen pool:          17MB (    16 MiB) max;      6MB (     6 MiB) avg;     17MB (    16 MiB) peak
Allocated heap memory:           251MB (   240 MiB) max;    235MB (   224 MiB) avg
Allocated non-heap memory:        37MB (    35 MiB) max;     26MB (    24 MiB) avg
Total process virtual memory:   4122MB (  3931 MiB) max;   3963MB (  3779 MiB) avg

analysis.algorithm.CEGAR = true
analysis.entryFunction = main
analysis.programNames = multivar_false-unreach-call1_true-termination.c
analysis.traversal.order = bfs
analysis.traversal.useCallstack = true
analysis.traversal.useReversePostorder = true = cpa.composite.CompositeCPA
cegar.refiner = cpa.predicate.PredicateRefiner
CompositeCPA.cpas = cpa.location.LocationCPA, cpa.callstack.CallstackCPA, cpa.functionpointer.FunctionPointerCPA, cpa.predicate.PredicateCPA
cpa = cpa.arg.ARGCPA
cpa.arg.proofWitness = witness.graphml
cpa.composite.aggregateBasicBlocks = true
cpa.predicate.blk.alwaysAtFunctions = false
cpa.predicate.blk.alwaysAtLoops = true
cpa.predicate.refinement.performInitialStaticRefinement = true
limits.time.cpu = 900s
log.level = INFO
specification = config/specification/sv-comp-reachability.spc